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Field Hockey opens season with 5-1 win
Updated on 06/10/2022
Phoenixville v Strath Haven
Location: Phoenixville
Final Score : 5-1 (Phoenixville)
Half time score 3-0
Non-league game
Phoenixville came out strong, dominating the first half offensively scoring three goals. Mary Michaud '20 scored her first career field hockey goal playing in her first ever field hockey game. Phoenixville was able to get strong performances from several players off the bench showing the depth they have this season.
Goals Scored by
Katie Baker- Nicole Thompson asst (22:30) Cassidy Stevens- Katie Baker asst ( 15:20) Mary Michaud-Katie Baker asst (14:32) Katie Baker- Cassidy Stevens asst (5:00) Nicole Thompson - (1:50)
Strath Haven
Amelia Peligrini - (16:02)
Goalie Saves
Gianna Chiponis - Pville 3
Strath Haven - 15
Pville- 18
Strath Haven 5
Pville 6
Strath Haven 6